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Matsuo, Annelise

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Matsuo, Annelise

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 9 (2013) Comments Off on Matsuo, Annelise

My name is Annelise Matsuo and I am a freshman here at the University of Washington and graduated from Eastlake High School. I was born in Bellevue, WA but I have lived in Sammamish,WA my entire life, half an hour away from Seattle. I’m interested in astronomy because I believe it is the most interesting field someone can enter in order to discover life changing things.Some of my other hobbies include listening to music, writing, and art! I love to go hiking and camping in the Cascades and one day would love to hike Mt. Rainier and stargaze from the summit. My dream is to one day get my PhD and do government research and become an astronaut. I would love to one day discover universes beyond our own.

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