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Sophia Taylor

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Sophia Taylor

October 23, 2018      In Cohort 14 (2018) Comments Off on Sophia Taylor

Hi! My name is Sophia Taylor, I am a Sophmore transfer student from Seattle Central College. I am intending to double major in Astronomy and Physics, with a concentration in Data science, and a minor in Mathematics. I am especially passionate and interested in dark matter, dark energy, non-linear dynamics, octonion numbers, data science, and philosophy of science. I have worked in coffee professionally the last 6 years and hold a coffee tasting certification called a Q-Arabica Grader License. I enjoy spending my free time playing with my dog Bandit, sewing, making coffee, and reading as much as possible. With a background in the arts, I hope to explore astrophysics creatively and inquisitively. I am honored to be a NASA space grant awardee and look forward to my studies at UW.

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