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Li, Cheuk-Ning

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Li, Cheuk-Ning

January 15, 2016      In Cohort 10 (2014) Comments Off on Li, Cheuk-Ning

I was born in Hong Kong and moved to Bellevue, WA when I was three years old, but I went to school in Renton for K-12. I graduated from Hazen High School, and now I’m a first-year student at the UW. In my freetime, I enjoy Internet-ing, listening to music (mainly alternative and indie rock), hugging my dog Harriet, playing video games (my favorite is the Mass Effect triology!), and reading. I’ve always found science interesting because I’m a curious individual who likes to know what makes everything run. Unfortunately, I am terrible at math, so I might not major in something science-related. However, I’m still, of course, excited to do research and learn as much as I can about astronomy!

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