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Shipley, David

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Shipley, David

January 15, 2016      In Cohort 10 (2014) Comments Off on Shipley, David

My name is David Shipley. I am a prospective Astronomy Major interested in learning about all aspects of Astronomy and Physics over the next few years. I am excited to be in this PreMAP class with other people who share my interests, and although programming is not my expertise, I am looking forward to learning it. I live in Lake City Seattle and this is my first year at UW. I spent a couple of years at Green River Community College, and it is very nice so far to have the opportunity now to take classes I am truly interested in. The thought of one day being able to contribute to the field of Astronomy will help me get through the hard work to come. I look forward to benefiting from everyone who has gone through this before me!

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