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Simons, Daniel

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Simons, Daniel

January 15, 2016      In Cohort 10 (2014) Comments Off on Simons, Daniel

My name is Daniel Simons and I am a freshman here at the University of Washington. I am originally from Renton, WA and have lived in Washington my entire life. My goal is to double major in Physics and Astronomy, and after that I hope to go on to get my Ph.D. I do not know what specificaly I want to do after that, but I hope to do something with Theoretical Physics. I love playing sports (mostly basketball), but I also enjoy playing the piano, playing video games, singing, and reading. I got my inspiration for Physics and Astronomy mostly from both Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, as I have watched many videos about them both and have read several books from both men. Even though I do not know specifically what I hope to do with a Ph.D., what I do hope to do is to become as well known as both of those men, as difficult as that may be.

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