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Gomez-Buckley, Adriana

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Gomez-Buckley, Adriana

January 15, 2016      In Cohort 11 (2015) Comments Off on Gomez-Buckley, Adriana

I’m from Olympia, WA; however, my mom is from Spain, so I speak fluent Spanish. I went to Capital High School; my main interests there were soccer and wind ensemble/marching band, both of which I did all four years. Some other hobbies I have are reading, hanging out with friends, running, skiing, and music. I also love watching TV and movies; my current favorite movie is Interstellar (no surprise there), and I’m a trekkie (again, no surprise). I love science, especially astronomy, because it is an extremely fascinating field with so many new discoveries and opportunities for involvement. As I am a freshman this year my major is still undeclared, but I hope to double major in Astronomy/Physics. My dream career would be to work for NASA…and possibly, if luck is on my side, become an astronaut.

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