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Bergeson, Andi

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Bergeson, Andi

December 12, 2016      In Cohort 12 (2016) Comments Off on Bergeson, Andi

My name is Andi Bergeson and I am from infinite-sunshine-land, aka Orange County, California. In infinite-sunshine-land, I did various things, like play the saxophone in my marching band and read comic books and sleep! I watched a lot of Star Trek (The Original Series) with my dad when I was very young, and it proved to be formative in what direction I’ve taken in life. I plan to double major in Physics and Astronomy, and hopefully nudge our weird flesh species closer to space travel and a better understanding of galactic formation and WIMPS and true love and supermassive black holes. I would also like to continue consuming chocolate milk and pictures of Captain Kirk’s dumb gorgeous face, just as a general life goal.

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