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Jansen, Julia

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Jansen, Julia

October 18, 2017      In Cohort 13 (2017) Comments Off on Jansen, Julia

Hi! I’m Julia Jansen and I’m a freshman here at UW, intending to double major in physics and astronomy. Ever since I was a kid, I have dreamed of being an astrophysicist. I constantly watched NOVA, Through the Wormhole, and countless Minute Physics videos because I could never get enough of learning about our universe and how it works. I’ve wanted to work at CERN since I was about 12. As a Chicago native, though, working at Fermilab would also be really cool, especially because I am currently really interested in particle physics, and in particular studying neutrinos (they’re my favorite standard model particles, in case you were wondering). When I’m not spaced out, though, I really enjoy good theater, good music, and good film.

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