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Petry, Olivia

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Petry, Olivia

October 18, 2017      In Cohort 13 (2017) Comments Off on Petry, Olivia

Hello, my name is Olivia Petry. I am a transfer student from North Seattle College and am just beginning my first year at UW as a junior. Having just declared my double major in Astronomy and Physics, I can hardly wait for all the awesome things I’m going to learn. I hope to be an astronaut, and I would also really like to live in Antarctica for a year or two. I have seven siblings, we were all home-schooled together through high school, and when I’m not on campus or at work, I’m probably getting up to mischief with them. I love running barefoot through the woods, and going to star parties with friends. And if you ever see someone dancing late at night in red square, it’s probably me shaking off school stress in-between studying.

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