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Lynn Nguyen

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Lynn Nguyen

October 23, 2018      In Cohort 14 (2018) Comments Off on Lynn Nguyen

Hello my name is Lynn Nguyen. I went to Cascade High School in Everett, Washington. I am a sophomore here at UW. My hobbies are playing tennis, reading, working out, listening to pop music, and exploring the city. My intended majors are physics and astronomy. I hope to one day work for NASA and do research for them. I’ve always been interested in astronomy since I was a kid, I used to recite the planets for fun and watch many documentaries about astronomy. I’ve always been interested in beyond thinking, of the universe as a whole not just our galaxy. Human colonization on a different planet interests me, and also traveling to different solar system in a short amount of time is something I would like to be apart of in finding in the future. I plan to major physics and astronomy at UW then, go on to graduate school, I plan to get a Ph.D, and hopefully after work for NASA. My moto is nothing is impossible and live your life like they’re no regrets because you don’t want to regret anything when you’re old and on your deathbed.

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