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Leigh, Joel

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Leigh, Joel

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 3 (2007) Comments Off on Leigh, Joel

After being a bartender, a firefighter, an office assistant, working in a warehouse, a factory, a hotel, a recording studio, a hospital, several restaurants, building boats, being a math tutor, working construction, and being a pizza guy, as well as majoring in (at one point or another) English, philosophy, political science and history, it seems life has taken me in a new direction. It’s been an interest of mine for my entire life and now its time to finally do what I have wanted to all along…play guitar in a Guns ‘N Roses cover band! No just kidding really it’s Astrophysics. Likes: Music, Snowboarding, Beer. Dislikes: Personal Bios, Oligarchy.

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