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Tugaga, Deborah

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Tugaga, Deborah

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 3 (2007) Comments Off on Tugaga, Deborah

My parents named me Deborah Tugaga on December 24, 1988. Born in American Saomoa, lived in Hawaii for a few months, then moved to Washington State and embraced the rain. My priorities are God, my lovely and awesome family, adorable friends, and acquaintances/future friends. I love being a Seventh-Day Adventist and praising God. I love to surround myself with my family and close friends because they bring me joy and great happiness! I can act goofy, stupid, mean, and sweet and they’ll still love me! I love to read, listen to music, attempt writing poetry, write, talk, walking in the rain, staring at thunderstorms, driving, enjoying nature, talking to God, fighting with siblings, having serious conversations with parents, going to church, working out, singing, eating, and sleeping!

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