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Antonsen, Adrienne

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Antonsen, Adrienne

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 5 (2009) Comments Off on Antonsen, Adrienne

Hello! My name is Adrienne Antonsen, I go by Addie. I was born and raised in Washington, and this has been my first move (from Sammamish into Seattle). Growing up watching my mom’s Star Trek TNG videos started my love of astronomy, and for the longest time I wanted to grow up to be Captain Picard. So here I am, hopefully through Pre-MAP I will be able to! In my spare time (which is about nothing now thanks to Physics classes), I like to read science fiction (favorite is the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson), watch science fiction (still TNG), and spend time with friends from home. Right now, I just can’t wait to get started with real astronomy research!

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