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Davila, Adrian

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Davila, Adrian

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 8 (2012) Comments Off on Davila, Adrian

I’m from Lake Stevens, Washington. Graduated from Lake Stevens High School. I was born in El Paso, Texas. Science is a strong interest, though I am still undecided as to what I’d like to major in. I’m hoping to eventually go into research. Astronomy is a potential major, I hope to find that out during ASTR 102 and Pre-MAP. I’m also considering chemistry, physics, computer science, or an engineering field. I enjoy watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. I like bacon. YouTube’s my TV. I like playing video games, either FPS, RTS, or Minecraft. I love electronic music (Daft Punk!). I like trying to use my telescope, but end up stargazing. And I’m just a pretty big nerd in general.

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