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Jansen, Tiffany

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Jansen, Tiffany

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 8 (2012) Comments Off on Jansen, Tiffany

I never know how to start these things, so I guess I’ll just start in the most generic way possible: Hi, my name’s Tiffany Jansen, and I’m a freshman at the University of Washington! I’ve lived within a 15 miles radius my whole life, but that’s okay, because the Pacific NW is awesome. I plan to major in astronomy/physics, and when I’m not studying for related classes, I’m probably playing piano, reading, or zoning out… but most likely I am probably eating. I also enjoy a good movie here and there. Atonement is my favorite, but Anchorman is another cherished flick. Breaking Bad is my favorite show right now… yeah, science! As for books, Ender’s Game is one of the best. I love to learn, but when it comes to Astronomy, nothing excites me more!

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