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Posey, Taylor

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Posey, Taylor

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 8 (2012) Comments Off on Posey, Taylor

Hello, my name is Taylor Posey. I am from Tacoma, Washington, and I am a hopeful Neurobiology major. I attended Wilson High School and, through the Running Start program, the Tacoma Community College. I like to think of myself as a science nerd, a math enthusiast, and a deep thinker. I find just about everything interesting in one way or another, and have had a lot of problems trying to narrow down a major for this reason. Today I tell people I want to be a Neurologist, but by tomorrow I could be saying Mathematician, Astronomer, Geneticist, or Physicist.I also really enjoy things like Philosophy, Psychology, and the arts. I was a glassblower throughout high school, as well as a music junkie. I watch a lot of movies and read a lot of books because I love a good story. I hope to one day combine both my love of the arts and my interest in the brain into a research project that can possibly explain people’s fascination with the arts. I also hope to study Astronomy as well, so we’ll see which field I end up choosing.

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