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Price, Rebekah

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Price, Rebekah

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 8 (2012) Comments Off on Price, Rebekah

Hi there! I’m Rebekah. I graduated from Lindbergh High School in Renton, Washington as part of the Class of 2012. I am from and still live in Renton from which I commute daily. In my spare time, I love watching Television (Doctor Who, and bits of every genre), reading and writing (screenwriting), playing football (soccer) and acting as live-in servant to my feline masters Rosie and Maximus. I’ve always loved science and the unique way that science presents the world and the Universe, but the people that most inspired me to continue in science once I moved on to University, was my high school Biology and Physics teachers.(Thanks Mr. Jones and Mr. Kotwis!)

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