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Burger, Marijn

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Burger, Marijn

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 9 (2013) Comments Off on Burger, Marijn

I am a prospective Physics and Mathematics double major, but I may be persuaded through preMAP to pursue an astronomy major. I come from a small town south of Portland, Oregon, and came to the UW due to the extensive research opportunities I was promised (promises which are validated by the preMAP program). I’m an avid particle physics geek, and I keep up with the LHC at CERN like teenage girls keep up with movie celebrities. I hope to pursue a graduate and then a doctorate program with a focus on particle physics, hopefully staying research my entire life. Outside of academia, I enjoy video games, snowboarding, sailing, and discovering (and subsequently consuming) incredible cuisine. My plans for the future include a doctorate and a Nobel Prize (I suppose I aim high) for discovering a new type of boson or fermion, and how it interacts with the observable and unobservable universe.

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