Project Status

Major Activities and Achievements

The research team:

  • Completed both rounds of key informant interviews with health plan leaders, provider organization leaders, and providers
  • Completed both rounds of patient experience surveys
  • Received claims data for analysis
  • Presented findings at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (June 2011); National Research Service Award Trainee Research Conference (June 2011); University of Washington, Department of Health Services Annual Research Meeting (June 2011); International Scientific Symposium on Improving Quality and Value of Healthcare (December 2011); AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (June 2012); and American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (October 2012).
  • Produced two published papers:
    • Patient-Centered Innovation in Health Care Organizations: A Conceptual Framework and Case Study Application, Susan Hernandez et al., published in Health Care Management Review, June 2012.
    • Innovation in patient-centered care: lessons from a qualitative study of innovative health care organizations in Washington State, Peter Reed et al., published in BMC Family Practice. 2012, 13:120.
      Full text is available at http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2296/13/120
  • Completed analysis of patient experience surveys

Plans For The Next Few Months

  • Funding support of the project has ended. The research team continues to analyze the claims data and will write a major paper complete the analysis of the claims files and prepare an integrated paper that incorporates the findings from the key informant interviews, the patient experience surveys, and the claims data files examining utilization and cost of health services. The integrated paper will be the first of its kind to present a synthesis of the determinants of patient-centered care innovation and the results of that innovation for organizational and administrative outcomes, patient experience, and the utilization and costs of health services. We will tap opportunities to present and discuss the findings and lessons learned from this project in a variety of venues, including the Commonwealth Fund, our study organizations, Academy Health, the American Public Health Association, and the Association of University Programs in Health Administration.