SDB Screens

SRF205 - Curriculum Update

Jump to instructions for this screen

SRU205             C U R R I C U L U M   U P D A T E                      *O* 0-A A    101   SEARCH QTR:SPR/2009                                5/28/09 12:35  ACTION:F (A=ADD C=CHG D=DEL F=FIND N=NXT P=PRIOR 2=PAGE2)   LAST UPDATE: 7/22/04  EFFECTIVE QTR/YEAR: AUT/1997-AUT/9999     BRANCH:0 Seattle      ADDED:02/14/1997 SHRT TITLE:AIR/SPACE VEHICLES            COLLEGE:J ENGR       CHANGED:__/__/____ LONG TITLE:AIR AND SPACE VEHICLES                             APPR DL:__/__/____                                                               DROPPED:__/__/____ QTR CREDITS: 5.0 - __._  CRDT CONTROL:1   MAX REPEAT CREDITS:__._   EXEMPT:_    GRADE SYSTEM:_           GENERAL EDUCATION:       RSPNSBL COURSE:_-______ ___         HONORS:_              VLPA      :_           JOINT COURSES:_-______ ___     DEDUCTIBLE:_              INDIV&amp;SOC :_                         _-______ ___    SUMMER ONLY:_              NAT. WORLD:Y                         _-______ ___ OMIT FROM T.S.:_              ELECTIVE  :_                         _-______ ___ INDEPNDNT STDY:_              QUANT/S.R.:_                         _-______ ___    DUPL ENROLL:_              ENGL. COMP:_ FEE INFO: TYPE: 1  $  25.00   WRITING   :_      RPT REG: 1:Y 2:Y 3:Y         BUDGET: 069310                          HYPHENATED CODE:__      RV OBJ CD: 943081                          COURSE IS LAST OF HYPHENATED:_ COURSE PRIO LIST:_                              PRIOR HYPHENATED COMMENT:______________________________ PREREQ:N     COURSE: _-______ ___</p>

Instructions for screen SRF205

A version of a course within the curriculum is valid until a structural change is approved by the University Curriculum Committee. To find the version of a course that was approved for a given quarter, input the curriculum prefix (up to six characters) in the start field for the screen. (Note: if you're searching for a non-Seattle course, you must put the appropriate campus code in the field just to the left of the start field.) In the next field, input the course number. Input the appropriate quarter and year in the SEARCH QTR fields. Hit send. The SDB will search for the course for the relevant quarter. If none is available, it finds the next most recent version. More instructions to come.

SDB Screen Index | SRM234

Screen last updated:October 22, 2009, 12:00 pm