SDB Screens

SRF236 - Course Restrictions Inquiry

Jump to instructions for this screen

              C O U R S E   R E S T R I C T I O N S   I N Q U I R Y         *G*
QTR/YR:SPR/2005  SLN:1800   0-BIOC   565 A   PLANT MOLEC GENET
LOCATION:*      *      CAP:   0  ENROLLED:   0  LIMIT:  15L  UNFILLED REQ:   0
------ -------------------        ---------- --------        ---- ---------
  1    CLASS:    08               CLASS:                     PERIOD 1:
BEGIN  SPCL-PGM:                  SPCL-PGM:                    ADD:  DRP:
02/18  COLL:         EOP:  EVE:   COLL:         EOP:  EVE:   PERIOD 2:
       MAJORS:   BIOC             MAJORS:                      ADD:  DRP:
                                                             PERIOD 3:
  2    CLASS:    08               CLASS:                       ADD:  DRP:
BEGIN  SPCL-PGM:                  SPCL-PGM:
03/07  COLL:         EOP:  EVE:   COLL:         EOP:  EVE:   ENTRY CODE PCT:
       MAJORS:   BIOC             MAJORS:                    ---------------
                                                             VALID PERIOD 1-3:
  3    CLASS:    08               CLASS:                      ADD:   % DRP:   %
BEGIN  SPCL-PGM:                  SPCL-PGM:                  VALID PERIOD 1&2:
03/28  COLL:         EOP:  EVE:   COLL:         EOP:  EVE:    ADD:   % DRP:   %
       MAJORS:   BIOC             MAJORS:                       =   0%   =   0%
    ADD CODES (MADE:  30  USED:   0)      DROP CODES (MADE:   0  USED:   0)V

Instructions for screen SRF236

QTR/YR:___/____  - insert quarter and year

SLN:____ - insert the SLN

Then press "enter"

The screen that appears is populated by the information entered on the 235 screen.

It will show restrictions, inclusions and exclusions.

SRF235 | SDB Screen Index | SRF240

Screen last updated:June 25, 2009, 12:00 pm