SDB Screens

SRF540 - Applicant Prior Schools

Jump to instructions for this screen

               A P P L I C A N T   P R I O R   S C H O O L S                *F*

0000000 000511000  XXX-15-XXXX                                    9/17/98 14:54
STUDENT,JAMES J                             01/01/01

     SCHOOL NAME                DATES       ..DEGREE....  ...TRANSCRIPT...

 _  BELLEVUE CMTY COLL        __/__-__/__   _____ __/__   Y _ 10/10/1997 2
        1/004029/BELLEVUE                                  SEA/JJULIUS 
_  WASH STATE UNIVERSIT      __/__-__/__   _____ __/__    Y _ __/__/_____ _
        3/004705/PULLMAN                                   SEA/SEAWEB
-  ____________________     __/____-__/____ _____ __/____ _ _ __/__/____ _
        _/______/__________                                __/____________
_ ____________________      __/____-__/____ _____ __/____ _ _ __/__/____ _
       _/______/__________                                ___/____________
_ ____________________      __/____-__/____ _____ __/____ _ _ __/__/____ _
       _/______/__________                                ___/____________
_ ____________________     __/____-__/____ _____ __/____ _ _ __/__/____ _
       _/______/__________                                ___/____________
_ ____________________     __/____-__/____ _____ __/____ _ _ __/__/____ _
       _/______/__________                                ___/____________

Instructions for screen SRF540

This screen is used to enter school data.

Two lines are used for the data for each school. The second line shows the TYPE/CODE/LOCATION.

  • RQ = required - this is automatically changed to Y when an application is uploaded or entered.
  • SUF = sufficient
  • RCVD = date received - if a second transcript is received, the date is changed and a number 2 is entered under STAT
  • STAT = if there is an number here, it indicates the number of transcripts received. If only one has been received, this is blank.

The NetID and campus code for the person making the change will be shown under this line.

SRF524 | SDB Screen Index | SRF740

Screen last updated:June 25, 2009, 12:00 pm