
For full documentation on the installation and operationalisation of RAT, please refer to the RAT 3.0 documentaion available at:
RAT-Kerala is part of the RAT-Global tool that houses information on various reservoirs across the world, avaialble at:

How to use RAT WQ2 - Kerala Website interface

The landing page of the website contains the following elements and functionalities:

  1. Zoom controls: The + and - symbols can be used to zoom-in and zoom-out of the map.
  2. Navigation Bar: This sections contains links to the Data Download page, the Documentation, the About section, and a link back to the Home page. The RAT logo on the right takes the user to the RAT Global website.
  3. Dam Locations: The blue markers indicate the various reservoirs across Kerala that is currently available in RAT 3.0.
  4. Dam data: The markers when clicked displays the reservoir name along with a 'View Data' button. This can be clicked on to view the RAT data for the particular reservoir.
  5. Map Layers: This toggle can be clicked to view the various map layers available. The user can toggle between the various basemaps by cliking on the corresponding radio buttons
  6. Precipitation: When toggled, displays the distribution of rainfall over Kerala, for a selected date.

Reservoir Data


The Reservoir data screen contains the following:

  1. Plot Area: Displays the plot of the selected feature such as inflow, outflow, reservoir temperature etc.
  2. Plot selection: Users can click on the required feature to view the data on the plot area.
  3. Plot controls: Used to interact with the plot area. The controls provide options such as the ability to zoom in to parts of the plot, pan around the plot, save the plot as picture etc. The 'Reset axes' option can be used to restore the plot to its full size if it is in a zoomed-in state.
  4. Download Data: Users can click the button to download the data in a tabular format as .csv files.

Precipitation viewer


The precipitation screen contains the following parts:

  1. Legend: The colorbar indicates the mapping of the plotted colors with the intensity of the precipitaion.
  2. Precipitation Map: Shows the precipiation intensity over Kerala derived from the NASA: Global Precipiation Measurement (GPM) IMERG dataset at a spatial resolution of 0.0625° (~7km).
  3. Date picker: User can select the date for which the precipitation is to be displayed by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the required date.

Updated on 23-08-2023