This 1 or 2-day didactic course addresses recent developments in the prevention, diagnosis and management of STD and typically includes the following topics: Overview of Key Trends and the Future of Prevention, Lower Genital Tract Syndromes in Women: Vaginitis and Related Conditions, Upper Genital Tract Syndromes in Women: Cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Epidemiology and Clinical Aspects of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoea Infections, Genital Herpes: Essentials and Updates, Genital Dermatology, Human Papillomavirus, Essentials of Syphilis, Contraception Update, Expedited Partner Therapy, Viral Hepatitis, HIV Prevention: New Testing Technologies and Prevention with Positives, STD-related Syndromes in Men, and STDs in Adolescents: Special Concerns. Continuing Education is available.
Learning objectives:
1. Discuss the latest diagnostic procedures for sexually transmitted infections.
2. List the current recommended treatments for prevalent sexually transmitted infections.
3. State the clinical and laboratory criteria for diagnosis of the infections covered.
An optional 2-day clinical practicum is available
to participants who complete most Updates (occasionally we offer a free-standing Update course). The clinical practicum includes basic examination skills,
skill development in sexual history taking, review of clinical case studies, and hands-on experience in the
STD clinic and laboratory. The practicum includes participation in performing STD-related examination of
patients in the presence of a skilled preceptor. Laboratory training includes hands-on training in the
practice of rapid syphilis tests and saline and darkfield microscopy. Continuing Education is available.
Practica are scheduled to take place within 2-3 months following students' completion of the didactic portion of the course, and are conducted at the following locations:
Municipality of Anchorage Reproductive Health Clinic, AK
Central District Health Department. Clinic, Boise, ID
Multnomah County STD Clinic, Portland, OR
Public Health - Seattle & King County STD Clinic at Harborbiew Medical Center, Seattle, WA
The practicum is designed for clinicians and for students in medical professions training programs who have
had previous training or experience in performing pelvic exams.
This 2-day workshop focuses on essential communication skills and examination techniques used with patients
at risk for STD. The didactic portion (Day 1) includes Sexual History Taking, Basic Male and Female Anatomy,
Performance of the STD-Related Exam, Preparing the Exam Room, Review of Case Studies, Documentation, and
Microscopy. During the practicum (Day 2), students observe a step-by-step exam on both male and female model
patients, then have the opportunity to prepare the exam room and perform at least one full STD exam (including
specimen collection) on both male and female model patients in the presence of a preceptor.
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe skills for effective patient/provider communication in order to complete a sexual history and risk assessment for STDs and related reproductive health problems.
2. List equipment necessary to perform a routine STD examination.
3. Describe basic reproductive anatomy and be able to perform an STD physical examination.
4. Identify the sites from which specimens should be obtained and proper techniques in specimen collection.
5. List the laboratory tests which are recommended for screening patients at risk for STDs.
This course is designed for clinicians new to caring for patients seeking STD-related care.
Education is available.
This half-day workshop focuses on the preparation and examination of vaginal fluid for microscopy using saline
and potassium hydroxide (KOH), including recognition of clue cells, trichomonads, white blood cells and fungal
elements, with emphasis on diagnosis of common causes of vaginitis.
This course is designed for laboratorians and health care providers new to microscopy or in need of review of
basic techniques.
This modular course aims to assist HIV care providers in learning new techniques to incorporate important
intervention methods during the medical visit (even in the constrained care setting), in order to help their
patients reduce risk behaviors. Topics covered are: brief screening for HIV transmission risk behaviors;
identifying and treating other STD; communicating prevention messages; discussing sexual and drug-use behaviors;
referring selected patients for additional prevention interventions and services; facilitating partner notification,
counseling, and testing of sex and needle-sharing partners of infected persons. The full course can be provided
as a single half-day session or as four discrete sessions, each lasting approximately one hour. The curriculum
is based on Recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services
Administration, the National Institutes of Health and the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Disease
Society of America (MMWR, 2003: 52 (No. RR-12): 1-24).
This course is designed for medical care providers of HIV positive patients (e.g., MDs, NPs, RNs, PAs); however,
persons who deliver prevention messages (e.g., case managers, social workers, health educators) may also benefit
from the information and techniques delivered throughout the course.
Please see the National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers' website for more information on these trainings.
This 1-day course instructs students in the basics of blood draw technique, including tourniquet tying,
finding and preparing a suitable vein, appropriate blood tube use, proper materials disposal and safety.
The class is taught through lecture and hands-on practice on both simulated models and other course participants
(not mandatory).
This course is designed for health care workers who wish to develop or enhance phlebotomy skills.
This web-based case series is designed for practicing clinicians who diagnose, treat and manage patients with, or at risk for, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The series includes case presentations of common STD-related syndromes with a guided, interactive process to evaluate each case, arrive at a diagnosis and provide recommended treatment. In addition, each case is designed to improve skills in assessing patient risk, communicating risk reduction techniques and managing partners. Each case should take about one hour to complete. Continuing education credit is available free of charge. |