SEETAW Slavic and East European Teachers Association of Washington
Please contact us to add listings of Slavic and East European language programs for students in the Pacific NW region. These may be school-year or summer programs, long-term or short-term. We would like to use this site as a clearinghouse of opportunities for students to study Slavic and East European languages.
The Center of Excellence ROMANIAN IN ACTION (ROACT) offers innovative virtual classes and workshops for children, youth and adults with Romanian background or with an interest to learn Romanian. Our teaching methods are based on the core principles of Heritage Language Education that nourish bilingualism and address holisitically the bi-cultural identity of our students through project-based activities, play, authentic sources, critical thinking, and meaningful interactions with their families and communities. Our students gain pride and confidence as heritage language speakers and learners of Romanian, while developing a global understanding of the world.
Due to the pandemic, we will hold our classes ONLINE. We welcome out of state students and will do our best to adjust our schedule to different time zones in the US. Please scroll down to find out more about our schedule.
Students can develop their language proficiency and literacy in their Heritage Language while also preparing a portfolio for the Global Competence Certificate in the Heritage Language through the World Affairs Council in Seattle. Upon completion of the program, students will also have the opportunity to complete World Language Competency-Based Credit testing to earn high school credits in their language and potentially qualify for the Washington State Seal of Biliteracy. They may also qualify for the Global Seal of Biliteracy. Website
Students can develop their language proficiency and literacy in their Heritage Language while also preparing a portfolio for the Global Competence Certificate in the Heritage Language through the World Affairs Council in Seattle. Upon completion of the program, students will also have the opportunity to complete World Language Competency-Based Credit testing to earn high school credits in their language and potentially qualify for the Washington State Seal of Biliteracy. They may also qualify for the Global Seal of Biliteracy. Website
In OneWorld Now!’s after-school Global Leadership Program, high school students can:
Earn World Languages credit by taking Korean, Arabic, Russian, or Mandarin Chinese two days per week.
Gain leadership skills and community service hours through twice-monthly Leadership workshops.
Earn scholarships to study abroad in South Korea, Morocco, Russia, Tunisia, or China.
Students apply in August and September; the program runs October through June.
Taught by Dr. Svetlana Abramova. Website