Center for Shared Decision Making
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Ottawa Patient Decision Aids
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
CMS Evaluation and Management Services Guide
July 2009. See pages 17-21 in particular
News and Other Articles
American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation. (2009). "Principles for Physician Payment Reform."
Arnst, C. (2009, November 12). "10 Ways to Cut Health-Care Costs Now." Business Week.
Butcher, L. (2010, August 23). "Shared decisionmaking works: docs." Modern Physician.
Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making. (2009, February). "Physician Attitudes on Shared Decision-Making."
Landro, L. (2009, August 4). "Weighty Choices, in Patients' Hands: Patients Get Coached on Medical-Decision Making." Wall Street Journal.
Meyer, H. (2010, February). "Shared Decision-Making: Power to the Patient." Hospitals & Health Network.
Robert Graham Center. (2009, June). "The Effect of Facilitation in Fostering Practice."
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Arbuthnott, A., & Sharpe, D. (2009, October). "The effect of physician-patient collaboration on patient adherence in non-psychiatric medicine." Science Direct. 77(1), 60-67.
Bieber, C., Nicolai, J., Hartmann, M., Blumenstiel, K., Ringel, N., Schneider, A., Harter, M., Eich, W., & Loh, A. (2009, October). "Training physicians in shared decision-making--Who can be reached and what is achieved?" Science Direct. 77(1), 48-54.
Burton, D., Blundell, N., Jones, M., Fraser, A., & Elwyn, G. (2010, August). "Shared decision-making in cardiology: Do patients want it and do doctors provide it?" Patient Education and Counseling. 80(2), 173-179.
Mauksch, L. B., Dugdale, D. C., Dodson, S., & Epstein, R. (2008, July 14). "Relationship, Communication, and Efficiency in the Medical Encounter: Creating a Clinical Model From a Literature Review." Archives of Internal Medicine. 168(13), 1387-1395.
Moulton, B., & King, J. S. (2010, March). "Aligning Ethics with Medical Decision-Making: The Quest for Informed Patient Choice." Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 38, 85-97.
Politi, M. C., & Legare, F. (2010, August). "Physicians' Reactions to Uncertainty in the Context of Shared Decision Making." Patient Education and Counseling. 80(2), 155-157.
Stacey, D., Legare, F., Pouliot, S., Kryworuchko, J., & Dunn, S. (2010, August). "Shared decision making models to inform an interprofessional perspective on decision making: A theory analysis." Patient Education and Counseling. 80(2), 164-172.
Ubel, P. A., Smith, D. M., Zikmund-Fisher, B. J., Derry, H. A., McClure, J., Stark, A., Wiese, C., Greene, S., Jankovic, A., & Fagerlin, A. (2010, August). "Testing whether decision aids introduce cognitive biases: Results of a randomized trial." Patient Education and Counseling. 80(2), 158-163.
Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. January-March 2009 issue. Relevant articles include:
"Balanced Measures for Patient-Centered Care"
"Activation of Patients for Successful Self-Management"
"Making High-Quality, Patient-Centered Care a Reality"
Health Dialog made this award-winning decision aid available as a public service offering. (2010). "Looking Ahead: Choices for Medical Care When You're Seriously Ill." Health Dialog.
This American Life. (2009, October 9). "More is Less." National Public Radio.
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2009, November 12). "Introduction to Shared Decision Making in Mental Health."