Statistical Genetics at the University of Washington

Workshop in Statistical Genetics and Computational Molecular Biology
December 16-18, 2001.

Organized by the programs in Statistical Genetics and Computational Molecular Biology at the University of Washington.
A printable Ad for the workshop.

The workshop happened: it was a success!

We are keeping this page open to provide links to the speakers and their web pages.

Also, now available, is a Summary Report.

Results of the Participant Evaluation Questionaire

Thank you to the 66 participants who completed the evaluation questionaire.
Thank you to Theresa Lin who entered the responses into WORD,

Questionaire text and counts of reponses
Participant comments  

Workshop in Statistical Genetics and Computational Molecular Biology

The workshop is aimed at students from the mathematical, computational, and statistical sciences who may be considering graduate study and research in these areas of mathematical and computational biology.

Come learn about computational biology research
from leaders in the field.

The primary intended participants are undergraduate seniors or first-year graduate students at Colleges and Universities of the Pacific Northwest Region, extending to California, Utah etc. on a space/funding available basis.
All interested students are eligible for funding, including those more junior or more senior. Other participants are also welcome, but our funding is limited to students.

Workshop Sponsors have provided Funding for student participants.

Accommodation has been reserved at a local hotel: that's easy too!

For funded student participants, reservations will be made on a 2/room share basis, and will be paid directly to the hotel.

Registration is closed!!

We are fully booked. The only additional people who can register are those already approved.

A registration page for paying participants (registration fee $100) can be found here. (REGISTRATION IS CLOSED).

Student participants receiving funding will be directed to a different registration page for funded participants;
your funding application is your preliminary registration.

Workshop Speakers and Topics

We will have topics in computational molecular biology, genomics, statistical genetics, and bioinformatics.

Tentative Schedule: or as pdf file


Contact Elizabeth Thompson with comments.


Last updated on Wednesday, 28-Aug-2002 16:14:34 PDT