Word cloud showing the frequency of mission statement key words for 691 environmental stewardship organizations.


This project is a collaborative effort by the University of Washington, Forterra, US Forest Service and the University of Vermont as part of the Green Cities Research Alliance. A three step data collection process included:

  1. A directory of 691 stewardship organizations was compiled.
  2. Organizations were then contacted via email to fill out a survey. Organizations were asked about their characterisitcs and background, as well as where they do stewardship projects and activities.
  3. Input from the 196 respondent organizations were digitized (georeferenced) to produce geographic representations of stewardship.

Stewardship Nation

The Stew-MAP project is not unique to Seattle and King County. The King County study was modeled on similar work in New York City. Baltimore and Chicago have done organization assessments. Washington, DC and Los Angeles are planning their own studies.

Here are links to other cities' work:


This website was created with the help and support of:

Copyright 2013 University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences • Created with the support of:
United States Forest Service United States Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Green Cities Research Alliance American Recovery and Reinvestment Act