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Be the Judge Resources
This section helps those who are trying to interpret media messages.


21st Century Literacies
This site focuses on four literacies: information, media, multicultural, and visual. It provides the tools and resources, both bibliographic and web-based, to promote the skills, knowledge and attitudes to help students develop effective lifelong literacy awareness, seeking, management and presentation strategies. The visual section has excellent ideas for understanding the criteria for posters as does the media section for video. The site also provides a glossary of terms and a resources page containing useful links.

Center for Medial Literacy (CML)
CML is a nonprofit educational organization that provides leadership, public education, professional development and educational resources nationally. Dedication to promoting and supporting media literacy education as a framework for accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating media content, CML works to help citizens, especially youth, develop critical thinking and media production skills.

Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators
TThis online guide contains a collection of assessment rubrics and graphic organizers for teachers in assessing student work in many areas. There are a number of excellent rubric samples and related articles for various media.

Media Awareness Network
One of the planet's best media literacy/media education sites, this site provides links to a plethora of other sites all over the world, as well as a tremendously versatile and constantly updated set of resources for teachers, parents and students. MNet focuses its efforts on equipping adults with information and tools to help people understand how the media work, how the media may affect their lifestyle choices as consumers and citizens, and also providing reference materials for use by adults and youth in examining media issues.

Media Literacy Review Project at the University of Oregon
The Media Literacy Review is an online publication associated with the Center for Advanced Technology in Education at the University of Oregon’s College of Education. Their goal is to make available to educators, producers, students, and parents information and resources related to the influence of media in the lives of children, youth, and adults. The site contains archived articles, bibliographies and a detailed listing of organizations, associations and centers related to the study of media and communication.

The On-Line Visual Literacy Project at Pomona College
This website contains information on visual literacy and definitions of the basic visual elements such as texture, hue, and saturation. Visuals and background information are also provided with each definition to give viewers a better understanding of the elements.

The Ontario, Canada, Association for Media Literacy
The goal of the AML is to promote the understanding of culture and technology through media education. AML seeks to do this through education of students, teachers and the public; through lobbying governments and media industries, and through networking with those with shared concerns in education, business, government, media, and community organizations. The website contains related news, resources, forums, and links.

Books / Articles

Gipps, Caroline V. Beyond Testing.
The Falmer Press, 1994.

Gronlund, Norman E., Linn, Robert L. Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, 6th ed. Collier Macmillan, 1990.

Leithwood, Kenneth, Fullan, Michael, Watson, Nancy. The Schools We Need: Recent Education Policy in Ontario & Recommendations for Moving Forward.
Toronto: The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 2003.

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations, Advanced Subsidiary GCE, Advanced GCE Media Studies. Approved Specifications for Teaching From September 2000.
Birmingham: OCR, 2000.

Smith, Frank. Insult to Intelligence: the Bureaucratic Invasion of Our Classrooms.
New York: Arbor House, 1986.

Worsnop, Chris M. Screening Images: Ideas for Media Education.
Mississauga: Wright Communications, 1999.

Worsnop, Chris M. Assessing Media Work: Authentic Assessment in Media Education. Mississauga: Wright Communications, 1996.

Worsnop, Chris M. "Assessment in Media Education", in Hammett, R.F. & Barrell, R.C. (eds)Digital Expressions: Media Literacy and English Language Arts.
Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd., 2002.

Media Literacy 101 Using Sex to Sell Talking About Abstinence Reducing Risks Reading Media Be the Judge Producing Media
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