About us

About us...

My name is Luis but some people call me luis. I am a student of UTEP Upward Bound. I am a huge fan of the raiders!!!!!! I work at ACE HARDWARE and one thing i like to practice and watch is boxing. Maybe one of these days i can go pro. Well there is not much to say anymore but goooooo cuttlefish!!!!
My name is Stephanie. I am learning the skills for a medical assistant. By the end of my senior year I will be C.N.A. certified. I love to learn about cultures form different countries. I want to become a doctor…I want to travel the world.

My name is Christopher. I’m 17 years old and
I am going to be a senior. For school I do all my work, take as many classes and work hard.
I play basketball with the team and hope to make varsity this up coming season. My hobbies
are basketball; hang with friends, sleeping and relaxing.
My name is Ricardo. I like to play different sports with
family and friends. My favorite sport is football. I have always passed all of my classes
through high school. I should graduate from high school this coming year and I plan to
attend collage. I will try to get a degree in computers and maybe work for a big company.