Work Cited

Arroyo, Rita. "Masons Became Leaders in Texas , El Paso ."Borderlands. 2001. EL Paso community college local history. 20 Jun 2007

"ASARCO." ASARCO. June 21, 2007. ASARCO manager. 20 Jun 2007 /warehouse.manager.aspx .

"ASARCO." Asarco's El Paso Plant is a Modern, State-of-the-Art Copper Smelter. 05/17/07. ASARCO. 20 Jun 2007

BArbee, Darrren." ASARCO cleanup analyzed."Corpus Christi Caller Times. Sunday, August 27, 2000. Corpus Christi Caller Times. 20 Jun 2007

Caldwell, Alicia A.."ElPaso officials say no to Asarco copper smelter."Azstarnet. 06.08.2007. The Associated Press. 20 Jun 2007

Chavez, Wendy L.. "EPA files complaint against Asarco for air violations at Arizona smelter. "Region 9: New Release .9/28/2005. U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency . 20 Jun 2007 bb1285e857b4852572a00065683f/10bcde40dc95b1852570d8005e17af!OpenDocument.

"General Supervision SXEW and Leaching." ASARCO. June 21,2007. ASARCO. 20 Jun 2007 /2.194367/general.supervisor.sxew.leaching.aspx.

Leon,Rene."2 Countries, 3 Cities Take Stand Against ASARCO, ASARCO Fights Back." Newspaper Tree. June 1, 2007. Newspaper Tee. 20 Jun 2007 politics/1450-2-countries-3cities-take-stand-against-asarco-asarco-fights-back.

McAllister , Doug . "ASARCO RESTARTS MOLYBDENUM PRODUCTION." ASARCO. Jan 10, 2007. ASARCO. 20 Jun 2007 /MolyCircuitStartup011007.pdf.

Montoya,Teresa. "ECONOMIC STUDY REVEALS 6.75:1 JOB RATIO." ASARCO. May 30, 2007. ASARCO. 20 Jun 2007 http://www. .pdf.

Santoyo, Maribel . "Opening Soon, Asarco, Maybe." Lee Hip Hop Show. 19 Sept 2006. Representation Community . 20 Jun 2007

Thsi executive summary was prepared by Michael Siano for the Sierra Club, regarding Ketterer, Michael E. "the ASARCO El Paso smelter: A Source of Local Contamination of Soils in El Paso (Texas), ciudad Juares (Chihuahua, Mexico), and Anapra (New Mexico).January 2006. From report: Glass, 2003; Dudka and Adriano, 1997.

T. Lindsay Baker, Ghost Towns of Texas (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986). El Paso Times, March 30, 1972. Leon C. Metz, City at the Pass: An Illustrated History of El Paso (Woodland Hills, California: Windsor, 1980).