
Killer Products

“The by-products of smelting, such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium, are toxic to humans. They are responsible for a broad range of health issues, including nerve disorders, reproductive problems and cancer. In high doses, all are deadly. Symptoms of poisoning by these substances can go undetected for years because, at low levels, the effects are subtle. Like many harmful substances, these are particularly harmful to children, affecting physical and mental development.” (Executive Summary by Michael Siano regarding Ketterer, Michael E. “The ASARCO El Paso Smelter: A Source of Local Contamination of Soils in El Paso (Texas), Ciudad Juarez (Chihuahua, Mexico), and Anapra (New Mexico). January 2006)


more than permited!

During an administrative court hearing last year in El Paso, a former plant manager said the company did at times release more toxins than allowed under the previous permit.