Blood Diamonds






About Us



True Stories

Story #1

A tragic story happened during the wars over conflict diamonds. Over a decade ago a small young girl named Bintu escaped the horrid Sierra Leone, Conflict diamond war. She was so small, not even thirteen years old, when her father was shot and killed. Her and her little sister ran and were trapped by soldiers. Unfortunately her little sister was raped and had her hand chopped off  because of her screaming. She later then was killed. Four years later, Bintu was found and taken to the United States. She then was taken care of and as she says’’Blessed’’, to be found and away from that tragic war. She later than found out that she wasn’t that blessed, because she was stuck on the streets of Freetown. Claiming that she only had sex to survive, Bintu then found out about the Women in Crisis Movement. Bintu states that ‘’She is so happy to be there and has food and a chance to have a better future.

Ever since Bintu has told the story of her life, almost every country has tried to put together more organizations for the young women around the world who are getting punished for no reason and abused and rapped. It is not right what happened to her and she feels like it should happen to no other teenage or even older women. Bintu is the WICM(Women in Crisis) representative right now at 24 years old. She has talked to so many organizations over the world to get try to get there support, and help for what is right.

Story #2

In Sierra Leone, the conflict of Blood Diamonds was getting more serious each day. The Revolutionary Front (RUF) started a lot of the wars over conflict diamonds in Sierra Leone. This conflict lasted over 10 years and lead to over 50,000 deaths and the displacement of over 2 million people and many whom were injured. In the later years between 1999 and 2001, the government of sierra Leone and The RUF decided to stop the war and compromise starting with the Kimberley Process. The Kimberley Process is a process that helps process Blood diamonds so that they are not found in war zones. Rebels with still try to find, sell, and kill for them. Both governments and organizations have also helped the risk children’s death. There will be more process’ like this to help the risk of more wars and deaths in Sierra Leone. -The government forbid rebels to hunt for conflict diamonds since there were not really anymore in the war zones. War Zones, were the only places that you could find Blood diamonds. The Kimberley Process, came through and swept out all of the Blood diamonds and mad sure of it that there were going to be no more Blood diamonds. Even though Blood diamonds still do exist in the world today, there are none to be found anywhere. Government wanted to put a stop to the madness, and finally did.

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