Meghin Spencer

TA, Quiz Section 1

1) T.As :What do you currently major in? Professors: What did you major in?

A) Astronomy


2) Who is/are your favorite marvel heroes/ villains?

A) Iron Man. He made himself a superhero.


3) If you could have a super power which would you want? Why?

A) The ability to draw perfect circles. It would be such a useful skill for physics and astronomy!


4) If you were a super hero what would you call yourself? Why?

A) I dunno. Probably something really nerdy, like the Blue Giant. Why? Because big blue stars undergo a lot of shell fusion, and if you are to draw a cartoon of the center of a blue giant star you have to draw lots of circles for all of the different shells. I told you it would be nerdy...

5) If you were a super hero what kind of hero would you be?

  1. Mysterious
  2. Open
  3. Kind
  4. Harsh
  5. All of the above
  6. Other _______

A) Mysterious