
Wilson Huynh

UB Math Instructor, Algebra I , Pre-Calculus

1) T.As :What do you currently major in? Professors:What did you major in?

A) Bioengineering


2) Who is/are your favorite marvel heroes/ villains?

A) I'll have to go with Iron Man on this one. Tony Stark is super witty, and it also helps that he's a complete engineering genius and a multi-millionaire with a powered suit of armor. You can't beat that.


3) If you could have a super power which would you want? Why?

A) "A superhuman mentality (Super genius!), because I feel that a genius mind is more powerful than any physical ability. Whenever I have to face a new task or enemy, I can just think of a weakness for that enemy or a solution to solve any of the world's problems. I would be able to read minds at will, develop innovative therapies for diseases, and engineer my own technology that would blow iphones out of the water. Having the power to predict lottery numbers wouldn't be so bad either.


4)I f you were a super hero what would you call yourself? Why?

A) If you asked my friends, I would be "random knowledge man," since I have a habit of bringing random and often little known factoids into conversation. But since I do magic tricks, and would also be super smart, I would call myself the Wizard. I would walk around with a giant W on my shirt, which also works conveniently well with my name.


5) If you were a super hero what kind of hero would you be?

  1. Mysterious
  2. Open
  3. Kind
  4. Harsh
  5. All of the above
  6. Other __________

A) Super