The Administration                                             Grade D












Transparency is not a popular word in Gerberding Hall. It is not easy to get a full sense of the size of the university administration, let alone what it does, and how much it costs. The President's office has a budget in excess of $2 million, the Provost's office more than $3.2 million, Planning and Budgeting above $2 million, University Relations $2.5 million, Attorney General $2.1 million, Development Office over $4 million These are the major units in Gerberding Hall, but there are administrative sections in every operation and college throughout the university. Are we management heavy? The President's office says no, citing a self study. It would be good to have a more objective evaluation. In the meantime we have counted 109 Vice-Presidents, Vice Provosts, Associate Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Provosts, Assistant Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Provosts, Deans, Associate Deans, and Assistant Deans.
The past five years have been extremely challenging for the university and it is easy to be critical of those who occupy 3rd floor Gerberding Hall offices. It is not within the scope of this report to evaluate most aspects of administration performance. We will stick to key issues that bear directly on the state of the faculty.
The McCormick-Huntsman administration deserves credit for a number of positive developments. President McCormick showed more respect for the principles of shared governance than his predecessor and was willing to take some risks and make some compromises in response to Faculty Senate










"The salary policy commits the university to a regular program of merit increases and to annual negotiations with faculty representatives over the distribution of other salary monies."







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