Dian-Jing Chen


About Me

I am a PhD student studying attitude control and optimization with Prof. Mehran Mesbahi.

Outside my research life, I enjoy playing piano and composing songs with different style. Also I am an investor (interested in stock, currencies and gold) with rich experience. At last, I am a diehard fan of Roger Federer.

Research Interests

I am interested in the following topics:
  • attitude control and convex optimization
  • operator methods for dynamical systems, control and optimization
  • polynomial optimization


  • Dian-Jing Chen, Mehran Mesbahi, “Constrained attitude control, PSD lifts, and semidefinite programming,” in Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017. (accepted)
  • Dian-Jing Chen, Jen-Tsai Kuo, “Novel dual-mode resonator bandpass filter with high rejection in extended wide stopband,” in 2012 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 2012, pp. 109-111. (nominee for best paper award)
  • Dian-Jing Chen, Jen-Tsai Kuo, “Second-order microstrip bandpass filter with high rejection in extended wide stopband,” in 2011 Korea-Japan Microwave Conference, 2011.


  • Conference on Decision and Control Travel Award (2017 from CDC)
  • GSFEI Graduate Student Travel Award (2017)


More information, please see my website:
