
Mehran Mesbahi, Principal InvestigatorDillon Foight, PhD Taylor Reynolds , PhD
Research Interests:

- Control Theory
- Networked Systems
- Learning and Optimization
- Aerospace Systems
Research Interests:

- Timescale Analysis/Separation
- Model Reduction
Research Interests:

- Motion planning for space systems
- Convex optimization based GNC
- Dual quaternions
- Precision rocket-powered landing
e-mail: mesbahi@uw.edue-mail: dfoight@uw.edue-mail:
Jingjing Bu, PhD Bijan Barzgaran, PhD
Research Interests:

- Optimal Control
- Networked Systems
- Distributed Optimization
Research Interests:

- Model Predictive Control
- Aerospace Control Applications
- Networks Control
e-mail: e-mail:
Dian-Jing Chen, PhD StudentNewsha Rahimi, PhD StudentShahriar Talebi, PhD Candidate
Research Interests:

- Attitude control
- Optimization
Research Interests:

- Reinforcement learning
- Distributed optimization
- Data-driven control
- UAV applications
Research Interests:

- Game Theory
- Networked Dynamical Systems
- Optimization and Optimal Control
e-mail: djchen@uw.edue-mail: nrahimi@uw.edue-mail:
Mengyuan Wang , PhD StudentAditya Deole, PhD Student
Research Interests:

- Electric Aircraft Energy management
- Optimal Control Theory
- Model Predictive Control
Research Interests:

- Autonomous Navigation and Robotics
- Machine Learning
- Optimal Control
e-mail: e-mail: