- Siavash defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Alemzadeh!
- Dillon passes General Exam and is now a PhD Candidate!
- Mehran presents in the CORE seminar at UW.
- A&A CubeSat secures exclusive NASA spot!
- Siavash completes his fall internship at NEC Laboratories, San Jose, CA.
- Mehran, Dillon, and Mathias present at CDC 2019 in Nice, France.
- Siavash, Mathias, Dillon, and Shahriar present at ACC 2019 in Philadelphia, PA.
- Mehran presents at 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference as the distinguished speaker.
- Soumya defends her PhD thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Vasisht!
- Mathias is now a postdoctoral fellow at Automatic Control Lab in ETH Zurich.
- Jingjing passes General Exam and is now a PhD Candidate!
- Tom defends his MS thesis. Congratulations!
- Taylor passes General Exam and is now a PhD Candidate!
- Mathias defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Hudoba de Badyn!
- Science paper is published!
- Siavash, Mathias, and Taylor present their work at CDC 2018 in Miami Beach, FL.
- Dan Zelazo, Ali Belabbas, and Mehran give a tutorial on graph theory in systems and control at CDC 2018 in Miami Beach, FL.
- Siavash presents his work at NSF CRISP/RIPS Grantees Workshop in Arlington, VA.
- Siavash presents his work at INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ.
- Jingjing, Dillon, and Bijan present their work at ACC 2018 in Milwaukee, WI.
- Siavash passes General Exam and is now a PhD Candidate!
- Mehran will be a distinguished speaker at the 2019 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC2019).
- Mehran and Airlie Chapman gave a tutorial on Graph Theoretic Methods in Networked Dynamic Systems at MED’18.
- Shahriar and Niyousha join the RAIN Lab!
- Taylor presents his work at Johnson Space Center in Houston during his 6-week visit.
- Mathias and Dian-Jing present their work at CDC 2017 in Melbourne, Australia.
- Mehran is the International Program Committee Chair for NecSys18.
- Mathias, Siavash, and Mehran presented at the MURI annual program review in Washington, DC.
- Taylor passes Qualifying Exam!
- Mehran presents at the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee Meeting.
- Mehran is the Program Vice Chair for CDC 2018.
- Mehran receives the University Endowed Professorship in Control Systems and Networks.
- Siavash presents his work at CCTA 2017.
- Mathias presents his work at IFAC 2017 World Congress.
- Rain group members Mathias, Bijan, Taylor, Soumya, and Siavash attend the First American Model Predictive Control Summer School in Madison, Wisconsin.
- Dian-Jing Chen joins the RAIN Lab.
- Afshin Mesbahi joins the RAIN as a postdoctoral fellow.
- RAIN Lab Alumnus Airlie Chapman starts her new appointment at University of Melbourne.
- RAIN Lab Alumnus Eric Schoof starts his new appointment at University of Melbourne.
- Afshin Mesbahi joins the RAIN Lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
- Mathias passes General Exam and is now a PhD Candidate!
- Mehran is the Guest Editor for the special issue of the AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics on Computational Guidance and Control.