The University of Washington Geographic Information Service
at the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences


Jefferson County Normalization: RPMST2AR.DBF Table

Field Name Field Description Common Field Common Field Description
AC_FP Acres_Fire_Patrol
AC_IMP Acres_Improved
AC_TIMB Acres_Timber_Land
AC_UNIM Acres_Unimproved
DESC1 Legal_Description
DESC2 Legal_Description
LUCODE Land_Use_Code
OID Undefined
PARCEL integer version of PIN_STRING with no leading zeros. Used to join to shapefile. Parcel_ID integer version of PIN_STRING with no leading zeros. Used to join to shapefile.
TAXCODE Tax_Code_Area
TAXPAYER Taxpayer_Code
TAX_STAT Tax_Status
VAL_BLDG Market_Value_Improvements
VAL_IMP Market_Value_Improved_Land
VAL_TIMB Market_Value_Timber
VAL_UNIM Market_Value_Unimproved_Land
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