Pacific Northwest Invasive Plant Council

About Us

Invasive plants negatively impact native plants, wildlife and whole ecosystems. These invasives displace native plants, degrade habitat and recreation opportunities, as well as physically and chemically alter soil properties and fire frequencies. Additionally, invasive plants can jeopardize endangered plants, some of which are at risk due to invasive species, and further decrease biodiversity. Monetarily, in the United States, these damages and losses can cost up to $138 billion per year! Nearly 420,000 acres of National Forests and Grasslands in the PNW have been degraded by invasive plants.

Invasive plants are able to spread across urban, suburban, rural, and wild landscapes, they are not specific to the areas that they invade. These infested areas then provide seed sources for invasion of the neighboring areas.

Invasive plants are especially problematic when the impacted species are keystone species, causing disturbance of the food web structure and biodiversity functions. By removing the natural barriers between non-indigenous and native species as humans are doing at a phenomenal rate, we are altering the genetic diversity of the native species and native communities as well as homogenizing the biology of the region. Biological distinctiveness of regions should be protected and embraced. As Darwin observed, there is no doubt that our future world will be more homogenous than it is now.

We can slow the rate of change if each individual becomes more aware of the problem and what can be done to protect the native Pacific Northwest environment. The first line of defense is knowledge, as well as political action to slow the introduction and spread and finally, control of the invasive plants already established here. Knowing what species are problems and taking action against them are the best defenses against the spread of invasive species. Individually and collectively, we can make a meaningful difference in catching, stopping, and controlling invasive species to enrich and foster the diversity of the native species and habitats of the PNW.



The Pacific Northwest Exotic Pest Plant Council (PNW EPPC) was formed in December of 1993 and exemption status was granted by the IRS in late 1996. After several newsletters, meetings, a conference and other activities the PNW EPPC became inactive in late 1997 as the small group of initial founding members moved on.

In September of 2006, the PNW EPPC was revised at the “Meeting the Challenge: Invasive Plants in PNW Ecosystems” conference in Seattle, Washington. The group was re-formed and approved by those attending a discussion at the tail end of the conference. A survey was sent out in the summer of 2007 to over 1,000 researchers and land managers who work with invasive plants. Suggestions from this survey were used in developing the future objectives and roles of the PNW group. At this time the name was also changed to the PNW Invasive Plant Council (PNW IPC).

During this same time frame, the Northern Rockies EPPC began to come together as a formal EPPC as well. Therefore, the PNW IPC now includes the states of Oregon, Washington, and Alaska and the Provinces of British Columbia and Yukon.

All EPPC’s / IPC’s are a part of the National Association of Exotic Pest Plant Councils ( There are 13 state EPPC’s / IPC’s and now four regional EPPC’s including the Pacific Northwest IPC.

Mission Statement

The mission of the PNW EPPC is to protect Pacific Northwest landscapes from invasive non-indigenous plants by providing an open forum to share information and to promote solutions.


The objectives of this organization are:

  1. To facilitate communication and to promote collection and exchange of information regarding all aspects of invasive plant status, control and management;
  2. To educate the general public and legislators on the environmental and economic impacts of invasive plants;
  3. Organize and/or support invasive plant management research efforts;
  4. To serve in an advisory capacity for the continued needs for funding, research, management and control of invasive plants;
  5. To provide a focus for the issues and concerns regarding invasive plants;
  6. To review invasive plant management problems and activities and provide updated information to interested parties;
  7. To provide forums where interested parties may participate in and share in the meetings and benefits from the information generated and promulgated by this Council.

Additional future roles of the PNW IPC:


2008 Steering Committee and Initial Board Members

  • Tonia Burns – National Park Service
  • Vanelle Carrithers – Dow Agrosciences
  • Janet Clark – CIPM Center for Invasive Plant Management
  • Deborah Clark – Oregon State University
  • Peter Dunwiddie – The Nature Conservancy
  • Tracy Fuentes – US Geological Society
  • Alison Halpern – Washington State Weed Control Board
  • Tim Harrington – US Forest Service
  • Vern Holm – NW Weed Management Partnership
  • Steven Manning – Invasive Plant Control Inc.
  • Tim Miller – Washington State University
  • Jamie Nielsen – University of Alaska Coop Extension – Invasive Plants
  • Sarah Reichard – University of Washington
  • Regina Rochefort – North Cascades National Park
  • Priya Shahani – Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources
  • Simon Shamoun – Canadian Forest Service
  • Sasha Shaw – King County Noxious Weed Program
  • Margaret Smither-Kopperl – USDA APHIS PPQ
  • Mandy Tu - The Nature Conservancy
  • Gail Wallin – Invasive Plant Coalition of British Columbia
  • Jane Wentworth – Kitsap County Weed Board and WA State Native Plant Society
  • Lou Whiteaker – National Park Service
  • Jennifer Zarnoch – Washington State Department of Natural Resources, SE Region

Staff - Coordinator

  • Lizbeth Seebacher – University of Washington

Contact Us

Pacific Northwest Invasive Plant Council

Mailing Address:

  • UW, Box 354115
  • Seattle, WA 98195-4115

Street Address:

  • 3501 NE 41st Street
  • Seattle, WA 98105
