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Presentation: Wildfire Smoke A Guide for Public Health Officers
Microsoft Word document Wildfire Smoke A Guide for Public Health Officers
Microsoft Word document Tips to Redue Smoke Exposure and Impacts
Microsoft Word document Wildfire Smoke Can Affect You Even Indoors
Microsoft Word document Wildfire Smoke and Your Health
Microsoft Word document Air Quality During Haze Episodes and Its Impact On Health
Microsoft Word document Handling Air Pollution Episodes Lessons Learned from Big Bar Complex Wildfire
Adobe Acrobat document Wildfire Smoke: A guide for public health officials
How Smoke from Fires Can Affect Your Health, EPA, 2003


New articles - 2004

by Mitchell Wolfe, et al. titled: "Assessment of urinary metals following exposure to a large vegetative fire, New Mexico, 2000"

by L Bech, et al. titled: "Burning and fire smoke--an unnoticed health problem"


Articles from 2002

by AH Bravo et al. titled: "Impact of wildfires on the air quality of Mexico City, 1992-1999"


 © 2001 Department of Environmental Health - Contact Us: marquist@u.washington.edu

Dept. of Environmental Health EPA Region X Particulate Matter Center

Suite 355, 1107 NE 45th St., Seattle, WA 98105
Phone (206)616-6570 Fax (206) 616-6528

This page was lasted edited on June 2, 2003.