
Email: womengs at uw dot edu

Join the WiGS listserv through this link for updates on our current events!


2018-2019 WiGS board members

President: Eliah Overbey, eliah at uw dot edu
Treasurer: Madeleine Geisheker, mgeishek at uw dot edu
Communications: Cindy Yeh, ccyeh at uw dot edu
Outreach: Glennis Logsdon, glogsdon at uw dot edu
Speaker Events: April Lo, aprillo at uw dot edu
Social Events and Annual Events: Deanna Plubell, plubell at uw dot edu

Do you have feedback for WiGS or an idea for an event we should organize? We’d love to hear it. You can send an email to one of our board members above.


Social Media

   Twitter: @WomenInGS

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