WiGS founding member Joanna Kelley receives L’Oreal Women in Science fellowship

Dr. Joanna Kelley, a genome sciences alumna who contributed to the formation of Women in Genome Sciences, is one of five early career scientists to earn the 2012 L’Oreal Women in Science Fellowship. Since finishing her Ph.D. work in Willie Swanson’s lab, Joanna has done postdoctoral work with Molly Przeworski …

Work-Life Balance Is Out of Reach for Many Male and Female Scientists

Both men and women in science are affected by issues related to work-life balance, a new survey says. “More than half of the survey’s 4,225 respondents said work demands conflict with their personal lives at least two to three times a week,” The Chronicle of Higher Education reports, citing data …

NSF Study on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering

Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering provides statistical information about the participation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering education and employment. A formal report, now in the form of a digest, is issued every 2 years. http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/wmpd/start.cfm Nature Jobs blog about  …

Get it in writing

Those of you who attended Bob Waterston’s talk on negotiating salaries and start-up packages already know that the most important part of negotiating an offer is to get it in writing. This is a bit of advice that University of Texas San Antonio’s Kelly Suter must wish that she had …