U-District Mural Project
The University District is known for its vibrant character, that’s why we are excited to install three new permanent murals in our neighborhood this spring!
In 2020, The U District Partnership was awarded a Neighborhood Matching Fund Grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods to launch our permanent Mural Program, an initiative to install three new works of public art on highly visible walls in the neighborhood. The murals will not only beautify the U District and build a sense of community among everyone who lives, works, and plays here, but they will also be the first step in a long-term public art program that adds vibrancy to our public realm for years to come.
Take our COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SURVEY and share what you love about the University District to help inspire artists! We will be sharing this feedback to artists as they prepare proposals.
Download the Call for Artists here.
Applications are due Wednesday, March 17, 2021 by 11:59PM PST
The U District Partnership seeks three artists or artist groups/teams to design and install individual murals on three properties in the U District. The properties and compensation for each mural (based on mural size) can be found below. You will be asked to rank which property you would like to be considered for.
One artist or group/team will be selected per mural. The compensation listed above for each mural is total. Groups or teams will receive the same total compensation and may split the payment as they choose. The murals will be installed over one or two weekends in May 2021. The U District Partnership program manager, with guidance from a leadership committee comprised of representatives from the U District arts community, will manage the artist(s) submission and selection process.
A budget for materials will be funded through the program.
The U District Partnership will host two (2) virtual Q&A sessions on the mural program and application for interested artists. The sessions will be 60 minutes each and will have the same format. Attendance at a session is not required to apply for the program. Information and Zoom links are listed below and on our web page.
Information Session #1: Thursday, March 4, 12:00-1:00pm PT
- Zoom video link: https://us02web.zoom.us/
j/84016026707 - Zoom phone number: (253) 215-8782
- Zoom meeting ID: 840 1602 6707
Information Session #2: Thursday, March 11, 5:30-6:30pm PT
- Zoom video link: https://us02web.zoom.us/
j/89628958096 - Zoom phone number: (253) 215-8782
- Zoom meeting ID: 896 2895 8096
Questions about this project? Contact Katy Ricchiuto, Built Environment & Community Relations Manager at katy@udistrictpartnership.org.