Our student government, The Associated Students of The University of Washington – or ASUW for short – is in the peak hiring season. We have 70+ positions available, all of which are paid, on-campus positions. Positions range from advocacy directorships to administrative coordinators to web-developers. To learn more about how to work for ASUW (and all of the incredible benefits) we have a ton of events that not only offer more information, but provide connections, tips, and tricks for applications, interviews, and resumes!
You are ALL qualified to apply for jobs. All of our positions are now OPEN on handshake, check them out at jobs.asuw.org.
Please feel free to check out some of the events we have going on this Friday and next week to learn more!! For more information, please visit our Instagram page (@ASUWSEATTLE) or email Antonio Gonzalez (he/him), Personnel Director at asuwpd@uw.edu.
For any updates and more information about ASUW as an Association, check out our website page.