- Title: Tying the Thread – Call for Art
- Deadline: Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 11:59pm PST
- Summary: Friends of Little Sài Gòn is seeking art from up to six (6) emerging and professional artists of Vietnamese descent to be displayed at the Little Saigon Creative’s 2023 gallery exhibit – Tying the Threads. This exhibit’s theme is intergenerational healing, and artists are encouraged to explore any aspect of the theme that resonates the most with them. We welcome all 2D and 3D art forms, as well as literary works with a visual component. Both new and existing works can be submitted, and all submissions will be reviewed by our arts selection committee. Selected artists will receive a $330 stipend and have their work on display for ten (10) months.
- Eligibility: Artist must be of Vietnamese descent and must reside in Western Washington.
- Submission guidelines: Please email Anh at anh.nguyen@flsseattle.org for more information and support.
- Link to full Call for Art.