Are you interested in neuroscience, but find it intimidating? Want to spread your passion of learning more about the brain? Grey Matters is the place for you! We write, edit, and design a quarterly journal to make neuroscience a less daunting subject and accessible for people of all backgrounds!
Be part of the movement by filling out our application posted on our website: https://greymattersjournal.
If you’re curious about learning more about these positions and want to meet some of the members of our team, attend our Welcome Meeting this Thursday, October 6th at 6:30pm at PAA A114!
We are also hosting a MOD Fundraiser from that same day, October 6th, from 10:30am-10pm. Join us for dinner after the meeting, and be sure to mention Grey Matters at the cash register! If you would like the code to order online, and find out more information, check out the fundraising site: https://modpizza.force4good.
Excited to see your submissions and hopefully work with you this quarter!