Thursday, 6:00-7:30PM, in HUB332 and over Zoom, Huskies for Neurodiversity will be hosting our second annual neurodiversity panel discussion. This year, our theme is intersectional identities. In collaboration with the Neuroscience for Neurodiverse Learners (NNL) project under DO-IT, we will be hosting a dinner in which four neurodivergent members of the UW community will discuss their neurodiversity as it intersects with other identities, such as race, class, gender, sexuality, and other disabilities. Panelist bios are provided in the attached flyer. We will serve pizza in person, and remote access will be provided over Zoom for those who RSVP. Pizza, panelist honorariums, and technical support generously provided by the NNL project of DO-IT. RSVP HERE: