We are an entity that guides Hall Health and aims to discern student opinions and needs related to healthcare, as well as raise awareness for presently existing Hall Health services. We are currently in the process of hiring executive board members for the 2024-2025 academic school year. Currently we are hiring…
Position descriptions can be seen linked at each position above. Applicants must be self-driven, passionate, and possess the ability to work collaboratively with other board members, student members, protected chairs, and Hall Health staff. This is an excellent opportunity for students to get involved in advocacy work that is directly connected to their everyday lives as University of Washington students, as well as connect with other passionate Huskies and UW staff! NO HEALTHCARE EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! Leadership experience is encouraged, but not required.
Deadline: May 23rd at 11:59 PM.
Applicants can submit applications for multiple positions, if desired. Below are the links to each application. If applicants have any questions or concerns, please reach out to kshelt@uw.edu or the Chair, Eva, at ehudak@uw.edu. Applicants can also contact the Student Advisory Board through Instagram DM @hhsab.uw